
Have you ever hurt or offended someone whether you knew it or not? And whether the person who you wronged said something or not to you? Many of us rather shut down and not say anything rather than face the person who hurt us;  years can go by and resentment sets in where it hardens […]

Move That body

Think about how we are made. We are made to move. Every part of our body moves in some way, And it is all connected together. If we were made to stand all day, If we were made to sit or lay down all day, What would it do to us? When I was a […]

Reclaim Your Life

  We are not defined by our jobs, status, or the positions we hold in life. Yet this is what our society does. We ask about how’s the job going. Or when we meet others one of the first questions asked is what do you do for a living.  There are other things to talk […]

Happy New Year’s Prayer

Father, God Creator of all Looking back over the last year May we see the good As well as the bad And let it be a lesson learned To not make the same mistakes But to break the detrimental cycles that keep us captive So we can be set free to not repeat history Lead […]

Worthy & Valued Even In Loneliness

Since the holidays have passed, I can gladly say I am happy and relieved we are beyond them. I ended up being alone on all three recent holidays. Thanksgiving I was sick with a really bad cold and it was a rainy day, so I didn’t want to inflict my symptoms on anyone else. I […]

Trust Yourself – poem

As an individual You get to decide What you can tolerate How you can tolerate it If you will tolerate it When you will always have differences with someone else. This will help you weed out who is good for you and who isn’t with every relationship. It is important to give someone the benefit […]

Tips with Mascara

The next time when you buy a new tube of mascara, add one drop of lavender essential oil (if you aren’t allergic to it) in the tube. Once the drop is in the tube, put the wand back in and close it tight and tap the tube in one hand so that drop can evenly […]

Mother’s Day — poem

Mother’s Day has come and gone We think of all the mothers and mothers to be But what about the mothers who weren’t so good at being mothers What about the mothers who miscarried and never had a child What about the mothers who miscarried and went on to adopt What about the mothers who […]

Legacy in a Life

Words fail me at such a time as grief. I think that’s why when it comes to saying to someone who has experienced loss, I will say “thinking and praying for you and the family” comes quickly to my mind. My first reaction is to hug them and comfort them. Lives leave this world every […]

Mindfulness Becomes Positivity

Words such as anxiety and fear connote negativity in most of us. We see or hear the words and it sparks an uneasy feeling or an overwhelming sense of insecurity. We are hearing these words so very much right now especially with what’s going on such as rioting in our cities around the U.S. People […]